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New LED Matrix driver board

11 May 12

It's great having lots of LEDs to display graphics and text.  Our LED matrix displays are a great way of doing just that. They have a simple serial interface - except that you need to update them row by row, over and over to light up the entire display.

No problems, there is code available to do that, both for Arduino and also the PicPack library.

But sometimes, you just want to display something without having to use all your precious CPU power flipping I/O pins.

Enter: the new PLT-1001 LED Matrix Display Driver board.

PLT-1001 LED Matrix Display driver board

Cranking it up to version 4 of this board, this board gives you 16mips of processing power to keep all those LEDs flicker free.

We will be shipping it with firmware that allows you to issue simple serial commands to "Draw a circle" or "Print some text" without requiring any programming or understanding of the LED matrix displays themselves.

The other neat feature is that you can either attach a male 8x2 connector on top of the board and cable it directly to your LED Matrix Display, or solder on a female 8x2 connector under the board - and the board will attach as a "backpack" to the LED panel (for 80x8 and 64x8 boards it is the right size for the mounting holes).

Other than soldering on the connector you want to use - and terminal blocks (supplied) to connect power, the board is completely surface mount, pre-build and tested.  You may need to update the firmware using a TTL serial connector for the type of LED Matrix display you wish to connect it to.

We are waiting on final PCB delivery from our manufacturing partners, and as soon as we have them available, we'll let you know.  To register your interest, please email us at sales [at]