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Sure, you can measure temperature, or air pressure, or humidity with some of our other sensors. That's all fun. But what if you need to know when the approaching storm is going to be overhead?
If that's the sort of question you need answered, then you need a module based on the award winning AS3935 from AMS.
The MOD-1016 can detect storm fronts up to 40km away, trigger interrupts on your microcontroller to let you know about weather events and changes in storm distance - you can even tell as storm fronts move closer and move further away.
The AS3935 needs callibration upon startup - and for this you need to check that certain internal clock are running at the right frequency. Sounds tricky, right? Yeah. So we've made that super easy be pre-calibrating each MOD-1016 in the factory, so you can simply load the configuration into the appropriate registers and start listening for approaching storms.
Stop hanging around on rooftops looking for lightning and get yourself a MOD-1016.
Version 8 module has better performance for 5V systems, but otherwise is unchanged from v6.
Component |
MOD-1016v8 |
Description |
AS3935 based lightning and storm sensor module |
Datasheets |
MOD-1016 Datasheet (for HW v8) |
Source | MBED source |